Friday, June 1, 2012

Full week!

I don't even know where to start! It has been an eventful week. I wish I could report that E's potty/behavior issues are improving, but...nope. In fact, we had a record-breaking "potty event" that lasted over two hours. This is really getting so very very old. Dan and I are out of patience regarding this topic, and it causes strife in our family. I have tried to have some talks with Elijah this week when emotions were calm, and I just don't think he hears me. This is either the biggest power struggle on the planet (no exaggeration) or something just isn't clicking. The chances of it being the first option are, oh, 99%. This boy's will is STRONG. Exceptionally strong. So strong that it is difficult to explain it to people.

A couple "light" things from the week..

Sammy finally started to try to say his name! It comes out "Fuvvy." :) So cute!

Elijah has been talking a lot about what he wants to be when he grows up. He is pretty consistent in telling me that he wants to be a "cooker chef." I tell him that he has to expand his palette if he wants this to happen! He needs to start eating foods that aren't either dairy or carbs! It's so cute, though. I love the idea of having a "cooker chef" for a son! When I ask E what he thinks Sammy might want to be when he grows up, he says, "a fireman!" I love it!

Tomorrow we are having Sammy's 2nd birthday party at the dropzone, just like last year. As usual, I waited until the last minute to plan everything, but it all will get accomplished! We hope our awesome, very loved little Sam will enjoy HIS day. We love that boy so much!

We had the boys' cousin Miya over for a day this week. She is SMART and funny and such a pleasure to have around. Elijah's BIG drama poop episode happened while she was over and she said to me, "Wow. This is really a lot of drama!" And she has 2 sisters and a brother! I said, "Yes, Miya, welcome to our home!" 

This photo is from a while back (taken by Dan's mom in their backyard), but I love it! Looking at it, one would think they thoroughly enjoyed each other! 

And another exciting part of our week was that a good friend of mine from junior high, high school and college is visiting the Cities with her beautiful family. I was SO HAPPY that they invited us to be a part of their family vacation! We were able to meet them for lunch yesterday and for a bit this morning at the Children's Museum. I love reconnecting with "old" friends! Those long-time connections mean so much. Deb and Chad, you have a wonderful little family and we just love you guys!

This morning before Elijah went to school and before Sammy and I met Deb and her family at the museum, the boys were stomping through the house together, both wearing Mama's shoes. I had to keep reminding Elijah not to pull Sammy's arm too hard and fast, but I thought it was so cute that they were enjoying each other and playing together!

Today I noticed a few croup symptoms (runny nose, coughing) from Elijah, so we did all of the preventative stuff that we can possibly do. That last bout has traumatized me a bit, so I am feeling a little bit anxious tonight. We are praying hard for a peaceful, no-croup night! We all want to be healthy for Sammy's big birthday weekend!

I think I covered just about everything! Life is always an adventure! I seem to enjoy and appreciate that adventure (good or bad) more every day. Things are getting easier having Dan away from home and working so much. That's a good thing. If things were getting harder, we would have a very long summer ahead of us!

Thank you for checking in on our family. Have a great weekend, everyone!


Lacey said...

You have probably tried this, but potty training only worked for us when we tried reverse psychology. We acted like we didn't give a flying turd if our daughter used the potty. It made her feel in control and made her feel in charge, and after a few days she had it figured out. It was HARD to pretend like we didn't care about the potty. It took a few days for her to even try. But we never gave her a diaper or scolded
her for peeing her pants. We did make her help wash out the undies. Staying calm ws hard, I wanted to cry!!!

Lacey said...

Just to clarify, I made her help me put her undies and pants in the dryer, not swish them in the toilet:-) All while being calm and pretending it was no biggie. I have never prayed so hard in my life. Hope there is no croup tonight, so scary! Good luck with the potty training!

Sarah said...

When you blog about Elijah's strong will all I can think is - I get it Megan, I do. I feel the exact same way. Its very hard to explain... so complex. Our boys...
Praying for no croup!

Anonymous said...

I read that he's had a tethered cord surgery. I wonder if maybe that could be a variable in his potty training. Could he have loss some function before the surgery that could not have been noticed due to his younger age and its only until now it shows. Or maybe the cord has retethered?

Cecilia said...

Love the photos of your little men, hope Sammy's 2nd birthday is great! xoxo