Saturday, April 5, 2008

Here We Go

Elijah has always been one to do things his way when he is ready and he's doing it again. His Sat's are low (59-60%) and that's too low for comfort. Dr. Wright, the on-call cardiologist, is calling to get a bed right now so Elijah can be watched closely and the surgery date can be moved up. With such low Sat's any minor problem between now and surgery is magnified. We don't know yet how soon the operation will be but we are headed to the hospital as soon as we get packed.

As you can imagine the suddeness of this is quite stressful and uncomfortable, especially with Dr. G out of town. Please pray for our little man and for God's grace and peace.

We will let you know when we get settled at the hospital and find out more details.

Thank you again for all your support.


Samantha said...

I am praying really hard for you guys. Hang in there...remember that Eli is strong and he does like to do things his way...what a stinker! Please call if you need ANYTHING at all...anything!

Lots of love and prayers.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Praying for you all..

We are leaving for Beaver tomorrow...
I will be gone until Wednesday..
I'll have Kathy call me w/ any updates.

Take care and God bless...

I feel sad for you that you're going thru this!!!

Keeping you all in my prayers!

Colin's Blog said...

Lots of prayers for you all! I know it stinks having to go to the hospital but, they will watch Elijah closely.

Take care and we will be thinking of you.

The Domanicos

Sarah said...

We are praying... and sending Love and Hugs to you guys.

ThePicks said...

We've been thinking of you guys all week and hoping things would take a turn for the better so the hospital time wouldn't need to come so quickly. Poor little Elijah - so much stress for his little body. We love you guys and are praying for the best during this tough time.

The RA

Anonymous said...

Thinking of all of you and wishing for a good outcome to what I am sure is very stressful.
Best Wishes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Porta's,
I am Katie Yoder's sister, Lisa. I met all of your beautiful family at Childrens in the cities when our Elijah wasnt doing so well. My heart goes out to you all during this rough time. I too had heart surgery as a little thing and from what I have gathered, this whole experience is harder on the parents than anyone else. Remember to take care of yourselves as well. Please know that our thoughts and prayers will be a constant with you all until your Elijah is well. He is such a handsome lil guy!
Love & Prayers,
Lisa Matt and Jack Nelson

jdmill said...


Unknown said...

Baby Elijah and Mama Megan! I just read your entries and am so surprised how quickly everything has progressed. Him turning purple must have been so scary for you :( I'll be praying for you and your family through this difficult time. You should call your pediatric cardiologist to give him a heads up if the other cardiologist hasn't already.

And...remember to breathe...
