Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sick and crabby and satting low and puking

Dr. Wright called me back and said that as long as Elijah isn't breathing extra hard, eating a lot less and unless he stops producing wet diapers, then he isn't worried. He thinks the low sats are happening because of his sickness and because he has a bunch of gunk blocking his airways. If we see anything unusual (the symptoms mentioned above), we are to go to the hospital. Otherwise, we just wait and watch and do our best to get him better.

He is still so sick. He ate dinner and had his bedtime bottle and then threw it all up! He has a temp again tonight, but it's not too high. He has a lot of gunk in his nose when he breathes. He was exhausted at 5:30 tonight so we put him down a bit early. It's so hard seeing my baby so uncomfortable.

I'm confident that Dr. Gremmels would have given us the same advice, so I am trusting Dr. Wright. It just feels so weird knowing he is satting THAT low. Ug! It's amazing what this kid's body can handle. Oh and Dr. G won't be back in town till the day of Elijah's pre-op! What is he thinking, taking a vacation?! I'm totally kidding, if anyone in the world deserves a nice long vacation it is him.

Here's a cute video from today. Remember how I said that Elijah says "Baba" for everything? And his bye-bye wave is actually the sign for milk. Lately, he signs everything with the milk sign. Baba and milk take care of everything! Look at him just lounging in the LoveSac. He has no energy. He just stays wherever we put him. What a good (exhausted) baby.


Samantha said...

I cannot even believe that he is satting so low! He looks terrific! Wow...what a little champ he is! I am praying for you guys to pull through this cold quickly so that tax day is still the day.

I love that video...he is so adorable...I just want to eat him up!

Love ya!

jencooper said...

Poor little guy - he looks so pitiful. You can just tell that he doesn't feel good!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh is that boy cute!

Poor thing! Hope he gets some energy back soon and gets rid of this yucky stuff! I will admit, though, that if you put me in that comfy looking thing I wouldn't want to move, either!!!! :)

It is funny how he says baba to answer all your questions. He sure sounds determined for you to understand that is the answer to all!!!


Unknown said...

I love your videos! Thanks for posting. I know Elijah is sick, but, seriously, he looks so freakin' good...and still babbling. You have a wonder boy on your hands wonder mama. You have so much on your mind, and now you're getting sick. Yet, you're able to get yourself to work. How do you do it?

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Keeping eli in my thoughts... I hope the surgery goes to plan and doesnt have to be re-scheduled...
Then this time in two weeks it will be all in the past.. and the healing time begins...

Colin's Blog said...

Love the video-he is such a cutie! Get better Elijah so you can be strong for that surgery!!

It was so cute to see him wave-I can't seem to get Colin to do that yet!! He's quite a babbler too!!

Andrea said...

Just wanted to send you my love and support from California. I'm still praying for you guys. I know how worried you must be, just trust your mama instincts and squeeze your adorable boy.

Dina said...

He is a cutie. Hopefully he starts feeling better soon - and hopefully your spirits start to rise as well.
Sending you warm thoughts from California

Jane said...

Hi...Just wanted to chime in that same thing happens to Ramona whenever she gets sick. Her sats drop 5-10 ticks, even if she doesn't have a fever or any respiratory stuff.

Thinking about you guys and checking in, Jane.

Anonymous said...

Ok, Elijah is incredibly adorable and looks AMAZING! I would never guess that he was statting that low.

You are right indeed - we do share Dr. G.! And Moga and Overman too! I love them all and Dr. G. is the best doctor in the whole world as far as I am convinced.

And I couldn't agree more - Dr. G. would have said the exact same thing as Dr. Wright (who we know too - everybody rounded on Gabe when he was born. After his first OHS Dr. Overman told us that they weren't sure they could do it, but luckily they were able to save his hair - LOL!). i know this for a fact because I call Dr. Gremmels ALL the time and I have a super heavy breather (Gabe's vocal chord was paralyzed during his ASO).

And - WOWZA! 50% for weight! WOW!!! Gabe was born in the 90% for weight (8lb, 10oz) and the 99% for heights (21"), but that boy dropped right down the charts in weight. He usually stays between 60-75% for height, but kicked it for a year in the 5th% for weight. He is just now up to the 15th% and he eats CONSTANTLY.

Anyway, I am glad you found my blog! Do you belong to Parents for Heart?

You have a lovely family - just lovely.

How are you doing with the upcoming surgery? The six months we had hanging over us before Gabe's second OHS almost broke me...please let me know if you need a listening ear.