Monday, April 21, 2008


Elijah slept hardly at all today. Ug! He's going to kill his parents! We can't wait to get home to get this boy some quality sleep. He is so stimulated by the lights and sounds of the hospital that it is nearly impossible for him to get rest. FINALLY at 5:00 tonight Elijah and I got enough of a nap to survive the rest of the evening. He just fell asleep for the night, after crying for quite a while, so Dan and I are relaxing for a bit before going to sleep ourselves.

His neck IV will hopefully come out in the morning and currently he is at room air and satting at 90-94%! That's awesome! He really is doing amazing. Today we have been trying to sit him up a bit but he SCREAMS. I think it must hurt. His neck/head control is poor and his sitting skills are even poorer. That's ok, though. You know why? He's ALIVE! He's here and his surgery was an amazing success and I don't care if he doesn't walk until he's 5. HE'S HERE WITH US! He's an amazing kid and he is going to do amazing things in his lifetime, I can feel it.

Dr. Moga stopped in briefly tonight because we were worried when we saw Elijah chewing on his pacemaker wires earlier today. He had ripped through the tape and dressing with his fingernails and pulled the wires out and had them all laid out on his chest! Dr. M had a laid back attitude and said (for the third time), "Aaaahhh, that's ok, I'll take those out tomorrow." It was really cute seeing him interact with Elijah tonight. You can tell that he really takes pride in his "work" and he kept stroking Elijah's hair and smiling and grabbing his fingers. It must be amazing to physically "fix" someone and then see them thriving and well. Dan and I can just tell that THIS is his fulfillment in life and that he takes so much pride in what God has put him here to do. The sparkle we see in his eye when he looks at Healthy Elijah is indescribable.

p.s. I was approached by the Patient Care Manager today regarding my recent nursing concerns. I told her that we were very disappointed in our care this time around and told her specifics about what had happened and she agreed that it was ridiculous what has happened. She assured me that we would not have sub-par care from now on. Tonight our nurse is wonderful and I'm pretty sure the best nurse on the floor was assigned to us because of my complaints.


Samantha said...

Tears of pure joy are coming to me right now. You are so is so beautiful that your precious boy is alive and doing so well. The sleep will get caught up when you are all home and everything else will be so unimportant in the grand scheme of have your beautiful boy and that is something to celebrate for sure! You are all amazing people and I really cannot wait to have the opportunity to meet you in person. Keep your heads up...this is almost over!!!

P.S. I am so happy that you have better nurses tonight...way to go on getting E what he needs!!!

Lots of love (and sweet dreams)

Unknown said...

It is so wonderful to see him smiling and looking so much better. I had such a hard time seeing the pictures the first few days - I am so proud of you and Dan for being as strong as you are. I will be there Saturday with Cam and Connor. I think I will have raised about $250 by then!!! Looking forward to seeing you or Dan, if not I'll hook up with Julie or anyone else that will be walking. Talk soon

Unknown said...

I can't believe they didn't change his diaper. UGH! I am glad you talked to the PCM about this. I did the same thing at our last hopsital visit. If we don't tell someone then they will just keep doing the same thing to someone else.

I just love the comfy pose...I wouldnt want to move either if I was treated like a king!! He looks amazing and I'm so happy to hear more lines and wires are coming off.

And your completely right. It doesn't matter when we sits up or walks or anything as long as your sweet baby boy is alive...then life is great! He's a champ and will be doing all those things before you know it.

I can't wait to hear more good new tomorrow.

Dan, I hope you got that rash taken care of! :)

Take Care and get some rest!

Anonymous said...

This is KAte's Nana. I check up on Elijah a couple of times a day. Our oldest grandson is named Elijah so all Elijahs have a special place in our heart. Glad to hear that your Elijah is doing well. Hope you are home soon. Judy

Ann(ie) said...

That smile on his precious little face makes me SOOOOOO happy!!!!! yay. AND good for you for saying something about the care. Don't suck that up....Good for you, girlie!!! xo.

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Oh yuk... I remember the mess I found my baby boy in when he was only a few weeks old.. and it was due to not having his nappy changed all night and it was dirty!! his poor bum was chaffed and red raw for days after that and we had to use cloth nappies and tonnes of zinc barrier coz he cried when he wee'd!
I am glad they assigned you a better nurse and that they addressed your concern!
I am hoping so badly that you manage to get some serious sleep very very soon..
He is looking so much happier everytime I see him!
And his strength will come back soon.. as will his appetite and before you know it he will be mobile and driving you crazy!

Anonymous said...

Once again, we are so happy to see Elijah doing so well. It is great that he is making such steady progress.

Wishing you another day of happy news, fewer wires and lines, and good nurses.

Amy, Mitch & Wilson

ThePicks said...

Great to hear the update and that you guys had a good nurse last night. It won't make up for the incident the night before but at least it is a step in the right direction.

We know he will sit up and become more mobile again with time... probably just a very tender area so no reason to rush it. Sounds like the Elijah lounging action (which is much deserved!) will continue for a while! Have a great day!
The RA

Sarah said...

And the best nurse is exactly what Elijah deserves! Good for you Mama on getting a hold on that. Elijah - you are doing so good - I know your Mama and Daddy can't wait to get you home!